Main page/LexxLinx/LexxianLinx/News This is a list of all the Lexx fora, newsgroups and mailing lists that I am aware of. First and foremost comes the official Lexx Billbored, kindly provided for us by Salter Street Films. You can also pay a visit to my new LexxLinx Message Board. The US SciFi channel also now has a Lexx BBoard, as does the UK SciFi Channel. Secondly somes the Lexx newsgroup, This only available on some news servers, so you may have to use one of the web-based news readers, such as Deja, RemarQ and Mail and News.
Then there are the email-based groups:
And online communities/clubs:
If you have a copy of ICQ99b, the Lexx ActiveList is #57128073, although since I host the server this will only be online while I am, unless someone else happens to have a copy of the activelist server and wouldn't mind co-administrating... Return to main page |